10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 7
Wednesday, July 31, 2013 @ 9:38 AM with 0 comment(s)
4 Turn offs

1. Crying babies on public transport
Now, I must say that this is MUCH better than how I reacted to it last time. Like, in the past, I would get off the bus or train immediately if there was a crying baby on the bus or train. If I was unable to do that, I would literally have metal images of myself strangling the baby which was crying. Like. seriously. Me killing the baby with my bare hands until it stops crying. (Oops. look. psychotic me coming out.) I would also shoot death stares at the parents and hope that they get off the bus. Yeah. It was pretty bad, slightly bitchy. Whatever.
Now, I think I can take it a little longer if I don't focus on it that much or I try my best to take really deep breaths and keep my cool. I'm quite proud of myself for somehow overcoming that. (:

2. #people #who #hastag #their #stuff #like #this #and #tag #things #like #cute #asian #girl #selfie #chiobu #beautiful #fun #student
#whattheshityouthinkitsagameisit. No. First of all, if you were good looking, you need not go to that extent to promote your selfie with 500 hastags. Ok. you just need AT MOST 5. And tell me again what is the point of like for likes? The person is not liking your picture because he/she likes it, but because he/she is doing you a favor. Which is dumb. You don't press like unless you actually like the picture. So yeah. And this is for girls. Imagine guys who do that. Ew. AND, recently, I saw people who are SO desperate to get likes they use celeb hastags. For example, XiaXue's baby, Dash. He has this thing on instagram called #DashComics. Now, when I click that hastag, I expect to find cute pictures of Dash with captions. Instead, I find GIRLS who use that for their SELFIES. WHAT. IT'S. NOT. EVEN. RELATED. IS. YOUR NAME DASH?! NO. SO. DON'T USE. IT. OMG.

3. People who swear a lot.
Or even in small little circumstances which can be easily expressed with simple things instead of "[insert swear word here]!!!!! Why is the sky so blue? " or "[insert long swear word here]!!!!!" "Why what happen?" "Actually nothing much la. Small thing only."
No. Just no. It's not necessary. We can express ourselves without having to swear la ok. 

4. Skinny girls who call themselves fat.
I'm talking about girls who are already under weight and calling themselves fat. I pisses me off so bad. And worse so if they create albums of their zilians and have the face to show it and call themselves fat.
Yes. you're not only fat, you're ugly, why not bring it up to the next level right?

Ugh. sorry I sound so angst in this post, but it's like turn offs. So I gotta recall 4 things that make me pissed right? So. yeah. I get angst x 4.

School's just starting to get insane but there's just no energy in me to do it whatsoever. I just feel so dead. Like. It's just day after day after day and everything just seems so meaningless. I hope it's just my PMS-ing. ):

I want to say that I need Saturday to come already, because that's the only thing I look forward to now a days, my weekends. But that means one day closer to my deadlines. sighhh.

I hope your week is going better than mine.


10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 6
Monday, July 29, 2013 @ 7:03 PM with 0 comment(s)
5 People who mean a lot. (In no particular order)

1. My family

Yes. They may or may not be on the top of every other person's list, but they are the first people to come to

mind. I was just thinking how strange it is that we tend to feel the need to express and remind other people

that we love and appreciate them more than we do to our own family. But honestly, they are the only people

on earth that I can say I trust 100% and love a whole lot more. My dad, mum and brother - my family.

2. Leanna Emmanuel

Our 8 years of friendship started in a place where best friends don't usually come out from: tuition.

Now, for people who met in like, school, church, camps and everything, it's very possible to find our best

friend there, because there are lots of bonding sessions and stuff so you get lots of time to socialize.

However, in tuition, you're suppose to be studying and focusing and asking intelligent questions. Needless to

say that our tuition wasn't very effective because, well, confession time, we went to tuition so that we could

spend time with each other, not exactly because we actually understood what we were doing. (On my part at

least.) And so obviously, while other students were asking intelligent questions, we were busy asking

important questions about cats and cute guys and how we didn't like people in school. Now, looking back,

that wasn't a very good move in terms of making full use of my parents money (oops.) But, I really am

thankful for that (although I know I'm not paying) but like. I just can't imagine how life would be without this

crazy, weird and amazing person. We've been through a whole lot of things together; first days of school,

first code words, writing letters, writing illegal letters, going out, potential roosters and her being the reson

why I actually have general knowledge and a pretty good knowledge of things like Harry Potter and Dr

Who. Oh and also Torchwood and stuff like that. She's one of the few people here who although is so much

more academically brilliant compared to me that I can actually be myself around with. Like. I don't have to

be afraid of asking seemingly stupid questions because (although she judges me) I still can know we're

friends. I love how she's just so cool and calm and level headed when I come to her all flustered with

problems. How she is able to write amazing things. How she's musically talented and how I can be myself

with her. 

Our friendship is a lot more like a virtual friendship because we only meet every 500 years, but it's amazing

how we still can be really honest with each other despite the fact that it's not via the usual mode of


Although we've had mini disagreements and bickers once or twice, we still love each other. She has this

annoying thing where she just doesn't want to tell you her inner thoughts which drive me insane sometimes

because I really want to know. Like I can't imagine her writing a long post like this telling why she would

want to be friends with me, but I accept it because I realise that sometimes, you don't always have to see the

stars to know they are there. It makes things nicer, but it doesn't really change facts if you see them or not.

Some reasons don't always have to be said. You know what I mean?

So yes. I'm really thankful for her.

3 and 4: Celia and Janelle

Again, our 13 years of friendship started in the unusal place of Kindergarten. These 2 people have seen all

the different sides of me there is to see. They've seen me laugh, they've seen me cry they've seen me fall(

both literally and metaphorically), everything. My first sleepover, my first boat ride...a whole lot of things.

There are so many things I love about these two beautiful people. Janelle is the level headed one. But yet,

she has this fun side to her which I'm just so blessed to have the privileges to see. She has a weird sense of

humour and a strange and irrational hate towards cats. She gives wonderful advice and she's also the closet

sister in Christ I have. She's a wonderfully listener. And then there's Celia. The insanely hyper and talented

one. She can sing, she can act and she's  who one direction was singing about when they said "you light up

my world like nobody else." She has this energy which just spreads to others but also this rather psychotic

side which both me and Jan get slightly freaked out by sometimes.

5. There's a number 5?
[insert picture here]
Ok. I'm finishing up this post at 8am. So, you know how thoughts don't get as mushy or anything as the
Smart lah. look here. haha. I bet you must have done something like that before. come I clap for you. /clap/
previous ones which I wrote at 3am. Maybe there is a 5th person or maybe there isn't. Maybe I'm just too
Anyways, this post, because may not be for the intended person, I'm gonna make it really short, but we all
shy and or maybe the person is really non existent. (OH LOOK AT ME RHYMING. HAHAHAHA.) but
know how hard that it for me. But thankyou 5th person. There are so many things to say to you, but to sum
yeah. I'll admit there is a 5th person. But. I don't think I have to say it here for the person to know, so let's
it up, I find myself in my happiest state when I'm with  you, and I'm ok with that. (: /runs away and hides 
just leave it here. Ok? (:
face from you forever/ shutupifyourereadingthis2-4ori'llmackyouomghahabutIstillloveyouxoxo
Note that this is in no particular order. And if I were to rank them, 2-5 would be 2. It's impossible to ever

rate them because they all hold an important place in my life. Oh. And they know each other and I realise i

met all of them in weird places. Haha. And also. I can never be able to fully express how big a part they have

played and are playing in my life with one short post. I'm so thankful to God for each and every single one of

them. I still do have close friends, but there really is no shame in having a few closest ones, and these are

mine. I can't imagine life without them. (:


10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 5
@ 3:05 AM with 0 comment(s)
Hello people as as you have noticed, i missed 2 days already. And its not because i forgot, but I really don't like my blog posts being under the same day because it just messes up the layout and becomes all ugly. So forgive me for posting things at 2am and I promise I'll keep track of it from now on to make sure it doesnt happen anymore.

Anw! ok. With that being said. Here's a repost of Day 5. Day 6 will be up after midnight. ^^

6 things you wish you never done

Unfortunately there are so many idek where to start, but in a sense, right now, looking back, most, if not all of the things I did in the past, taught me lessons, so, I guess wishing I had never done them, is wishing I had never learnt these valuable lessons. Although, some lessons are better left not learnt. Like what it means to hurt, what it means to lose someone...stuff like that.

6. I wish I never lied to my parents
Ok, so I'm pretty sure all of us have done this before, and honestly, I think the only way you can say "I've never done this before." is if you don't talk to your parents. And honestly, sometimes lying got me out of a whole lot of serious crap of punishments that I could have gotten...but it still wouldn't be worth it, because, well, as cliche as it sounds, most parents really do want the best for you, and if i didn't lie to them, I would have gotten into HUGE trouble for a while, but prob save a lot of nonsense at the later part.

5. I wish I never kept silent when they called me names.
If I did, maybe all that nonsense would have stopped then and there, but, I guess, it's hard when you're in that position. I wish I had the confidence at that point of time.

4. I wish I never made myself wear specs.
I THOUGHT IT WAS COOL. Lol. So I did everything that I knew that would spoil my eyes, and that was stupid because I really hate wearing specs and I had perfect eyesight and idek. Sigh. Stupid childish things I did.

3. I wish I never had those dark thoughts.
Again, the same as 5, I wish I could constantly keep in mind that I was loved and wanted, but, it's hard you know. But yeah.

2. I wish I had never had more than 6 things to regret.
We shouldn't have to look back and be all. "OMG I wish I didn't do that." Because, life is just too short for that, you know?

1. I wish I didn't break his heart.
I literally stared at this for over 15mins wondering if I should type this one, but. It's really one of the biggest regrets.
When you break someones heart, you break your own, and a thousand sorries and hearing hundreds of "It's ok.", just won't suffice. It's a scar that will stay with you for a really really really long time, and I wish...both of us didn't have that. It's just really not something to be proud of. Nuff said.


10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 4
Saturday, July 27, 2013 @ 2:10 AM with 0 comment(s)
7 Things that cross your mind a lot

7. Where's the food.
6. Ugh. I ate too much I'm gonna grow fat. I need to lose weight. I'm hungry again.
5. OMG her legs are so pretty. Her hair is so pretty. Her face is so slim. Can I be like her? ):
4. Oh crap. Submission in 2 days crapcrapcrapcrapcrap
3. I want Koi/ I want Gong Cha
2. Why isn't Saturday/Sunday here yet. ):
1. The clouds are really pretty today, that's one reason to be thankful for the rest of today. (:


10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 3
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 @ 8:58 AM with 0 comment(s)
8 Ways to win my heart

Hmmm. This is gonna be pretty fun. Haha.

1. Must have have the same Faith as me. 
So, yes. I am a Christian. And it's really important that like. it's not just by name because like. It's not like im trying to be holier than thou, or any of that sort but It's gonna be impossible to like. See certain things on the same page if we don't have the same belief you know? So yeah.

2. Must be able to communicate with me.

Communication in a relationship is really really really important to me. Like its not just about having funny conversations or being able to make each other laugh or being able to share secrets or stuff like that. I mean. You can do that with any close friend. I think that special communication happens when you can talk about both the good things and the bad things. How both of you solve problems. How both of you express appreciation or displeasure with each other. How you can comfortably talk about topics of all kinds be it as simple as the food you want to eat, or to more complexed things like...idk. Marriage? Oh. And it's also gonna be really cute if you have the same sense of humour. That way, you can come up with weird code words. Haha. And confuse the rest of the world. Like. Chickens and Ducks. 
So yeah. Communication.

3. Must love and accept me for who I am.
I think it's pretty needless to say like how. We've all done things in the past that we are proud of and things that we regret. So. Since we can't change what we did in the past, the only way is for us to learn from it and our future partners to accept it. And. I think my future partner is gonna have to have a whole lot of things to accept. But ANW. some things can be forgiven, some things just can't. But yeah. You get the point.
And he also has to get used to the fact that I'm not gonna change certain things about me. Like how I'm just too lazy to dress up for ANYTHING unless marks are at stake. Or how he's not gonna except to bring me on a date and see me all dolled up in makeup or some fancy dress because. Ain't nobody got time fo dat. -.- I don't. And how I'm gonna have weird mood swings every now and again. How I have really weird obsessions over certain things and how I talk to my pets. Stuff like that.

4. Must love himself.
This may sound weird. But if a guy doesn't have proper self esteem, Unable to take care of himself physically, emotionally and mentally, I dont see how he's gonna take care of me. I'm not asking him to be like. Perfectly stable all the time. Just...not needy? Like. A relationship isn't about putting two broken pieces together, but. I like the illustration of a Venn diagram. Of 2 complete circles coming together to form something even better. (: sure we can support each other, but we're not suppose to depend 100% on each other. (Note point 1)

5. Not younger than me
Now. Idk. But I'm definitely NOT one to go for younger guys especially if they are 2 years or younger. I think it's cuz my bro is 2 years younger. And it's like dating your own brother. That's SO werid. Idek.

7. Taller than me.
Now. Let me just do a brief history of how I lowered my standards for this point.
I am 168cm. When I wear shoes, I stand at around 170cm. I used to want my future boyfriend to be my dad's height. He is around 183cm and aka perfect boyfriend height because all I need to do to reach his shoulders, is to tilt my head to the left or right and it will sit perfectly on his shoulders. TADAAAAAAAA.
BUT. I realised that, well. Most of the guys I know, aren't that tall. They are either, significantly shorter, just that tiiiiiny little bit taller, or the same height. Unless you include my brother. Which, if I were to want a boyfriend his height, id have to go to America. If I were to want a guy my dad's height. Idk. Hard la ok? IT'S HARD TO BE A GIRL WHO IS TALLER THAN AVERAGE. And what if I were to wear heels? Would my future partner be ok with it? Standing beside someone 3cm taller? (Note how point 3 and 4 come in.)
So yeah. I guess. As long as people can tell he's taller. I'm ok with that.

8. He has to be good looking.
I'm not going to be pretentious and be all "oh. Looks don't matter. It's the inside that counts."
If I can't look at you for a full 1min, it's just not gonna work man.
You don't have to be a super model, but. Ah. You get the point. Good looking to me and the general public. Ok?

YUPP. WHOO. Day 3 done. AND. I got my ice cream milk tea to officially signify the end of my sugar fast. Hallelujah!


10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 2
@ 8:56 AM with 0 comment(s)
9 Facts about yourself

1. My name is Carissa, and I turn 1 year older every 17th of January.

2. I am 168cm, but honestly, I used to want to be 170cm. But I guess I learnt to be thankful for that.

3. I am a Christian and I love God and am very thankful that he saved me from my sins. Without knowing him, I wouldn't be alive today.

4. I have a huge obsession with furry animals with blue eyes and pink noses. Which explains why I love white tigers so much. (and my rabbit.)

5. If I were to eat one food for the rest of my life, it would definitely be cheesecake. Or Red Velvet Cupcakes. I love them both. (: If I were to go to Gong Cha, I would order either a Gong Cha Milk Alisan Tea or a Gong Cha Green Milk Tea with PUDDING. :3 and If I'm at Koi, an IceCreamMilkTea or Green Tea Macchiato. (ermahgerd) I think that was sorta 2 facts. oh well.

6. I always type my smiley faces like this ' (: ' or sad faces like this ' ): ' and sometimes like this ' =b'.

7. My childhood dream was to become a vet, but right now, I'm a designer in training, honestly still trying to find my place in the industry, but I'm getting there.

8. I LOVE handwritten notes/letters/cards, and I keep them in a special place and reread them when days get a little too hard to handle. Which is why I always have a hard time deleting sms-es and also get really upset when I have to change my phone can I can't back up my messages.

9. My catharsis is playing the guitar and I used it as an alternative to other...harmful and hurtful ways of dealing with stress. Which is why sometimes my calluses get really bad because I play for a few hours straight, although I don't always play for relieving stress and play it for relaxation too. (:

Yupp! That's my 9 facts. It wasn't stated that it had to be interesting, so oh well.

Ok. That's about it. I also kinda cheated on my sugar fast breaking it one day early but I really controlled for the rest of the day. :3

Tomorrow I'm gonna meet my 2 lovelies for dinner at my place. SO excited. ^^


10 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1. (redone)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013 @ 3:50 AM with 0 comment(s)

I'm sorry this took so long, because I actually typed a significantly long one up till number 6, and then the whole thing hanged and I had to redo it all over again.

Day 6/7 of my sugar fast: It's still on. I'm actually really really proud of myself for being able to survive this long, although it's extremely obvious that I get sleepy and tired really easily. Everyone keeps asking me why I seem so sad lately, I blame it on the lack of sugar. I feel a little bipolar sometimes. Like, hyper one moment and completely silent the other. I don't know.

These few days has been one of those days where the skies seem a shade darker than it usually is, but I realise that there is indeed always something to be thankful for. always. And by redoing this challenge, I think that at the end of the whole thing, I found myself more thankful and happier because I realised that, even though I feel alone, I'm really not.

10 Things You Want To Say To 10 People Right Now.

10. To the nice bus uncle who helped me by telling me what stop to get off at because I've never taken that bus before: Thank You Uncle. I hope you stay safe and you continue to have good health and nice passengers.

9. To the people who create "real" fake accounts. I think it's pretty stupid. I mean. what is the star's official twitter is e.g "TheRealKatyPerry" then the person changes it to "TheRealKatyPerrry". Now I think that it's really stupid because these fake accounts do weird things like promoting stupid twitter accounts, and being all "F*** THIS, EVERYONE  FOLLOW [fill in the blank] AND I'LL FOLLOW YOU IN 15 MINS" Like, that just absolutely makes no sense whatsoever and I think that it's really stupid sucking off the fame of someone else to get followers, PLUS, they post nothing worth reading IMO. I think accounts like that should be banned. -.- Totally different from legit Fan Accounts, but I think that fan accounts should have their own identity. Like. "OfficialKatyCats" or something. NOT the exact same name as the actual account and change just ONE letter. -.-

8. To my eye candy in school who looks like milk chocolate: Hello there. Thank you for making my days in school just that little bit brighter on the days that we happen to meet. I'm sorry if I scare you with my weirdness and staring but I just can't help myself, because you're really cute with your milk chocolate complexion and cute glasses and perfectly shaped . haha. Can we please be friends already? Because like. you look like a nice person, and did I mention you're really cute. :3 HAHA.
(seriously guys, he is literally like walking candy.)

7. To my PID class:
You people are the best class I've ever had in the history of my education so far. Thank you for changing my perception of school and being my motivation to come to school in the mornings. (: I really appreciate each and every single one of you. From all the weirdness and laughter to the late nights we go through together and the projects we have to complete...I've never felt such a thing as a class bond before, but I think, this is how it's suppose to feel like.

6. To the people who made an impact: Whether good or bad, thank you anyways. But I feel like those who have been nice to be always deserve a bigger thank you than the ones who were mean to me. So, yes. To those who stood by my side when I needed it, thank you, I appreciate it more than you can ever imagine. To the nice people on the bus who gave up their seat to me, thank you. To the nice person this morning who helped me to open the door, thank you. To the person who smiled at me when I ordered Koi, thank you. To my Church Friends, Exco Mates, Mind Edge Friends, TAS Friends, thank you for being such an important part of my life and one point or another.

5. To the friends who were: I don't even know if that made any sense what so ever but basically this is going out to those friends who I met in primary, secondary school, the ones made in one day camps, tuition for months, outside activities for years, or even the ones who grew up together with me.
Although we don't keep in contact as much as last time, some who I haven't met for many years, some who I haven't talked to in months, I think that the memories we shared will never be forgotten. I guess, you can't keep all the friends who come into your life forever, and the hard truth is, we're going to lose people in our lives whether we like it or not. But you know what. I think it's ok. Someone once told me that it's like a cycle. You meet as strangers, become friends, sometimes you even share so many special and intimate moments and at that exact moment in time you could have sworn that you would stay friends forever, but then you end up missing meetups, not talking as frequently, slowly drifting, and ending off and strangers again. But that doesn't mean that we don't treasure what we had and the times and moments spent with them, so for that, thank you.

4. To you who is reading this: I don't really know who you are, or if we've met or if we're close or we used to be close, but, I hope that you are doing well today. I know people always say that, but I sincerely hope that you are doing well today. Please remember and know that you are loved and beautiful and that you should keep smiling, like this. (: Life is worth living and you can get through whatever tough things you are facing today.

3. The person who discovered cheesecake: I owe you, you are amazing, God bless you forever and always for discovering this amazing piece of deliciousness. Haha.

2. To the people to whom the words I have to say are too personal to put here: No, I haven't forgotten about you, I just feel that any 'Thank you', 'I'm sorry', 'I love you', 'You're the best thing that has ever happened to me', deserves a little more privacy and more of a personal touch. But yes, this one dedicated to you.

1. The people who I could never live without: Needless to say that this include my family members with our imperfectly perfect relationship. I'm thankful and so very blessed to have a family who love me and I treasure them so so much.
Also the few special people in my life who have gone through so many moments with me. They made me laugh, they heard me cry (sometimes making me cry to with the really sweet things that they say) , they know my past and the things that go through my mind at 3am in the morning, know my weird quirks like the foods I am obsessed with and the ones I refuse to touch. The ones who made me smile at my phone, be it on a one on one chat or as a group, totally ignorant to the people around me staring, to the ones who I can truly be my absolute self - the ones who make my life complete.
I love all of you more than you can ever imagine and I'm just so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. I think I need not mention names, because the only ones who can fit into this description, are the ones who will know who they are.


30 Days Challenge?
Friday, July 19, 2013 @ 10:47 AM with 0 comment(s)
Hello lovelies!

First of all, let me start off by saying a HUGE thank you to those who liked and shared my post about Designero. It got published and I've been offered really exciting opportunities which I hope to be able to share with you all soon. (:

But anyways, back to this blog being one where I just record random moments from my life.

So yes, so far, lots of really nice things have been happening in my life, but here's some shocking news for you.

I am on a sugar fast.

This means, I will only drink water and avoid anything which is artificially sweetened. (SHOCK SHOCK HORROR HORROR REALLY, CARISSA?!)

So this is the time of fasting for most of my Muslim friends, and I always said how I admire them being able to wake up SO early for a meal and go without food and water for the rest of the day until the sun sets. It's IMPOSSIBLE that I fast, because, well. I love to eat, period. And for those of you who know me, I basically RUN on sugar and tea. So right now, I'm not even exaggerating when I say I'm having withdrawal symptoms from 2 days of not eating or drinking anything sweet. Especially the drinking part. I've only drank WATER and nothing but water.

Now, WHY Carissa, would you do such a drastic thing as to cut off your energy supply?

Well, this is the reason.

I went out with these two lovely people over here.

And here's what I ate.

Now, you are lying to yourself if you do not feel diabetic just by LOOKING at the amount of sugar I had on that day. Now tell me, how do you not feel guilty for eating so much sugar in a span of like, 1 hour. So yeah, thus the decision to go on a sugar fast. For....


And it's only been 2 days and I'm already feeling my mood swings starting to kick in and I get grumpy and I cry really easily and basically become an emotional wreck. Yes, I'm sorry for those who have to deal with me right now. But I feel the need to do this, other than the fact that I'm trying to comfort myself that it's for my health and that 1 week will actually make a difference, I think it's a challenge for myself to show myself that I can really do something if I put my mind to it, although now may not exactly be the best time when I really need to be in a right state of mind for all my project, but whatever, I'm doing it anyway.

Also, I decided to start...

A 10 Day Blog Challenge! (:
I was thinking of 30 days, but like, that's too many and I think it'll be a huge challenge to blog everyday for 30 days, so noh.
And yes, I know this isn't tumblr, so just ignore that. I refuse to post long lengthy posts on my tumblr.

Yay! So I will start...

or maybe the day after...
or maybe after that.

teehee. The questions look pretty fun, except the question for day 9 is just so weird, but other than that it's fine.

Today was slightly messed up and I'm going to blame all my emotional craziness on the lack of sugar, but nice car rides and a short guitar sessions are going to make it all better. Thank God for people who are still willing to deal with all my nonsense, I don't know how you do it, but I love you all for that. Oh. And not to mention that tomorrow's gonna be really fun too. (: 3/7. Yay.


Designeros: Design Enthusiasts's new Best Friend.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013 @ 12:05 PM with 0 comment(s)
Hello lovelies!

So I know that 95% of you reading this have a Facebook account. Well, you may or may not be familiar with the pages starting with  "Trust Me, I'm a...".

There are more than the 4 pages shown above, but personally, I like 'Trust Me, I'm a "Designer". ' the most, and if you're my friend on Facebook, you should know that I've liked at least 70% of their posts. haha. But that's not the main point.

From the 'Trust Me, I'm a "Designer".' Page, I found out about this really cool website: Designeros.

To all my Course-mates/Friends in the design field reading this, THIS IS FOR YOU!

(To my design-loving friends, don't stop reading yet!! You can pass this message to your friends in the design field. (: And there's more for you at the bottom, as you continue reading! )

Walk through with me on this:

Designers, you know how difficult it is to go out, and find people who are able to appreciate our designs and also find people who are interested and willing to buy our work? Also, how sometimes it's really hard to find that right inspiration for a certain project, or even how sometimes, all you want is just to be seen and heard by everyone? Well, Designeros want to help YOU with that.

Designeros.com is an exclusive global gallery and marketplace that enables designers and artists to present and sell their work online! This gives chances to build their brand name, global presence and also get valuable customer feedback! I'm not going to further elaborate on what they do or how EASY it is to sign up, (Seriously, I took under 5 minutes), because they can all be found on their webpage, or you can just click on the links.

Take it as a GIANT and EXCLUSIVE Facebook page where only the BEST designers are able to showcase and sell their works. If you get approved by the curators there, you are on your way to FAME. (yay!) Due to the exclusive community Designeros have formed, this will allow you to prove yourself as a designer to the world while adding something impressive and awesome on your portfolio. (We love our portfolio looking pretty don't we? ;) )

A special side note to my fellow design course-mates/school-mates: What better place to get inspired from, then from the best? It's like walking into a physical showroom with the best designers inside, ready to answer questions and show you their works! How exciting is that? You have GOT to check out their Product Design Facebook Album. SO MUCH GOOD.

NOW, To my Design Loving Friends:

Thanks for sticking with me till here. /virtual hi-5/

Do you like online shopping? Now, when I say this, I don't necessarily imply you have to buy stuff, I mean, window shopping is still considered shopping right? Haha. Due to my severely underweight wallet and my indecisiveness, I usually spend hours and hours just browsing online stores for pretty and unique designs, and maybe only getting 1 item. If you're nodding in agreement with me, I have GREAT news for you!

Designeros are bringing the top designers TO YOU! No more having to spend a long time finding credible sites or for unique and creative designs, because it's ALL on this website!

I love how they feature all kinds of products from Art, to Fashion, AND, (get this) 3D PRINTING!!!! YES. THEY HAVE PRODUCTS THAT ARE 3D PRINTED. THAT IS SO COOL. :3

I think the first product that caught my eye was the "Smart-Phone stand + Bracelet

I adore multi-functional products, so now with the i-Phone seemingly here to stay, and a leather bracelet which will look great on both genders. I think it's just a great statement accessory to wear and use. The best part? It's not gonna burn a huge hole in your wallet when it's at $19. That's super worth it, especially after seeing overpriced products in the market. All purchases can be made at a click of a button.
Super easy, Super quick and Superb quality.

Still not convinced to check it out? Just click the link HERE and let the charming and good looking Oscar Styler, do the talking. ;)

Be sure to check out Designeros's Facebook page, and also the amazing 'Trust Me, I'm a "Designer". ' Facebook page.

A huge 'Thank You.' to the "Trust Me Family" for introducing me to this wonderful website and allowing me to share it with others.

Have a wonderful week ahead, lovelies! Take care!
