Sunday, June 28, 2015 @ 10:29 AM with 0 comment(s)

Haha. Hello lovlies. I'm back. (:
Well. Not sure how long "me being back" will last, but I figured if I do get into the course I applied for, I'm going to have to do A LOT of brushing up on my writing. So I guess I should get to doing it now huh? 
But then again, I do enjoy this space just being a place that I get to ramble and visualize my thoughts as and when I like. 

It's been months since I graduated and as of then it's been a pretty eventful month of June. Well. Not exactly productive, but other than mission trips and family trips, the most recent thing I've been doing? Marathoning...White Collar.
The conclusion? The ending is good. I did spoil it for myself by skipping episodes and reading what happened in the end because I heard that the ending was the kind that I really dislike. But in the end it wasn't, so. Well. If I knew that, I would have watched it till the end. But Idefinitely  recommend "White Collar" to anyone who wants a good crime series to watch (after Mentalist. It's still my fave.)
But seriously, after this whole series? My Matt Bomer obsession is back. 




It's slightly better now that I've ended the series and I don't see his face for like more than 8 hours in a row being extremely attractive and intelligent and whatever. But still. 

Fangirl moment over. I'm back. 

I've also decided that I'm going to be putting more effort into my BTT. lol. It's been ages since I even bothered studying but I really wanna learn how to drive and I'm just going to have to find some motivation to study again, even if it's something as "simple" as BTT. 


I'm going to end this whole post with a really short quiz. (:

1. Are you a very open or private person?

I'd like to think I'm a pretty open person and i enjoy having HTHTs with anyone I can talk to but that is in no way a measure of the closeness to the person. To (shamefully) quote thought catalogue, "the weirdest mix of super private and an open book that you'll ever meet."

2. What is your favourite Christmas movie?

I'm honestly not sure what counts as a Christmas movie and I don't think I have a favourite.

3. When did you stop believing in Santa?

I never did. Well. I did always know there was this Saint Nicholas or something but other than that, Singapore never had a roof for him to squeeze though and give me presents, so...

4. What do you get complimented on the most?

My friendliness probably. 

5. How are you feeling right now?

Moderately sleepy. It's 230am. 

6. If money was no object, where would you move to?

A bigger house with lots of animals and a swimming pool.

7. Who was the last person to make you cry?

Ummm. This is really irrelevant because I cry way too freaking easily. Probably someone I had a Htht with. I can't keep track. 

8. Did you make any resolutions for this year? What were they?

Yes. To do 3 push ups. LOL. How embarrassing. 

9. Is there a song which can bring you to tears instantly?

Errrrrr. Whatever song is the most relevant to me at that moment. A lot of songs have brought me to tears before. 

10. Who was the last person you talked about sex with?

Probably Leanna. I can't rememeber. 

11. How did you bring in the New Year?

This new year...was spent with my youth group. (:

12. Have you ever online dated?


13. Post a screen shot of your Twitter “Interactions” page.

14. Click on the messages tab on Facebook, post a screen shot (erase surnames for safety).

15. Post a screenshot of your tumblr activity page.

16. Do you believe in soul mates?

Following that definition, yes. I do.

17. Do you play video games?


18. What age do people usually mistake you for?

Errrr. 22?

19. What or whom do you miss right now?

A lot of people. And also I miss eating good sushi. I really like sushi 

20. What perfume do you wear?

I don't. I usually just shower and smell like Carissa. (I'm quoting friends) although sometimes I spray VS perfume on my clothes just so I can use it up but I don't wear it out. 

Ok! Yay! End of quiz. Gonna sleep now. 

Night lovelies!
