More Facts about me that you didn't ask for.
Monday, May 26, 2014 @ 11:42 AM with 0 comment(s)


Last Person That

Slept in your bed besides you? No one sleeps in my bed except meee.
Saw you cry? Ahahaha. Idk if he saw me cry, but it was on the bus.
You went to the movies with? The cousin.
You went out to dinner with? Probably my parents because dinner time is curfew time. Lol. 
You talked on the phone to? Justin
Made you laugh? I laugh at my own jokes because I think I'm funny. Although there was this funny convo going on in the PID whatsapp group about Soph beig pregnant LOL. But anw. 

Would You Rather

Pierce your nose or your tongue? neither, don’t really want either piercing but i guess tongue over nose
Be serious or be funny? Depending on the situation but I guess funny. 
Drink whole or skimmed milk? whole
Die in a fire or drowning? drowning
Spend time with your parents or enemies? Parents.

Are You?

Simple or complicated? complexed-simplicity LOL. No but seriously. I'm complicated yet an open book. I'm too lazy to explain. 

Straight, gay or bisexual? straight. Although I have a ridiculous amount of girl crushes. Lol. 
Tall or short? Tall. I'm pretty tall. 
Right handed or left handed? right
A lover of music or a lover of books? Food. (Maybe music)

Do You Prefer

Flowers or sweets? sweets
Grey or black? black
Color photos or black and white? Ummmmmm. Colour.
M&Ms or Skittles? M&M's!
Staying up late or waking up early? up late
Sun or moon? Sun (lol. Ironic)
Winter or Autumn? I'm pretty sure I would like winter. 
10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? 2 best friends.
Rainy or sunny? rain (OMG look at me my answers seem bipolar)
Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? CHOCOLATE
Vodka or Jack? neither. Give me milk tea. 

About You

What time is it?  1:17am
Name? Carissa
Nicknames? Caris, cariesay, twit, walnut , the super loud, crazy and hyper person..and other stuff. (:
When is your birthday? 17 Jan
What do you want? Things to work out. 

How many kids do you want? I don't like this question. I don't know.

Want to get married? Yes. 

What kind of music do you like? Mm. Songs which have nice meanings and nice tunes. E.g: fix you-Coldplay. (I will never get tired of that song)


Nervous habits? I can't think of any at the moment. 
Are you double-jointed? No
Can you roll your tongue? Nope
Can you raise one eyebrow?  Nope
Can you cross your eyes? Yupp

(Why is this under unique though) 


Which shoe goes on first? Left
Ever thrown something at someone? Myself. >:3 HAHAHA. NO NOT MYSELF. yes. I have thrown things. Purposely or by accident is another question. 
On average, $2 because I am peasant. 
What jewelry do you wear? Mmm. Mostly my earrings and bracelets.
Do you twirl or cut spaghetti? twirl la. LOL. 
Have you ever eaten Spam? YEASH. 
Favorite ice cream? (The kind with good company. Haha) Cheesecakeeeee!!
How many kinds of cereal are in your cupboard? I don't keep cereal in my cupboard LOL. 
Can you cook? I suppose so. (:


Alcoholic beverage? Pear Cider. 
Car ride? My daddy's car
Song played? Um. As in. Me playing it? An electone piece. But if you're talking about like. Listening. Then. Mmmmm. I think it was. Some pentatonix cover probably. 
Person you saw? my mummy
Time you cried?  Yesterday. Ok. Teared. Not like. Bawling ok. It was embarrassing. 
Fight? Probably with my mum. Or brother. Over small strange things I guess. 

This weekend was a really good weekend, I'm very blessed. (:
