I'm moving?
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 @ 5:58 AM with 0 comment(s)
So I was googling "best platforms for blogging", and I read many articles that said that "blogger is dead". 

I guess while doing my resume for tomorrow's COM317 class, I realized that my hope to get into the PR industry requires me to get a lot more of my online identity as public and professional. 

It's kinda scary putting out your professional identity. I mean, growing up, I've always been told that the minute I post something on the Internet, it's there for the rest of my life. *flashback to haunting image of my Friendster profile picture where I was wearing a tank top at P5 trying to look...cute...EEEEP.*
Yeah, I'm hoping never to go back there ever again. 

But anyways, with that being said, I guess it's time for me to make my identity more professional, and hopefully with the new app I can blog easier, because honestly, the blogger app is horrible. 

I probably wouldn't have thought of changing platforms if it wasn't for the fact that the interface is so user unfriendly. *note to self on how UX is as important as I thought it was* 

Well, I guess with that being said, 

See you at carissablogsthings.wordpress.com

LOL. look at me being absolutely creative at my URLs. 
