On being a student again.
Monday, November 23, 2015 @ 10:08 AM with 0 comment(s)
The first time I tried to write this post, it was 1am and I had to stop because I had morning lessons the next day. The second time I tried to complete this post, I wrote 3 full paragraphs, but forgot to press save and everything got deleted. And because that happened, I lost ALL motivation to type it all over again. This is my third attempt. Let's hope it goes well. Haha. I figured that before one season of my life is over, I shall update this space about the new milestone I am currently in - I am now a university student.

It's crazy. I remember in primary school, how I used to write compositions about myself being a university student in fictional situations, thinking that it was SO far away, and here I am today.

It's week 4, almost a month been just over a month two months (I am a horrible procrastinator can you tell.) since I started university at SIM under University at Buffalo. I'm pursing Comms and Sociology.

It's been a really interesting journey full of changes and yet, surprisingly, some things still remain the same. 

Changes would include how I now have to take exams. 
After not having to study ANYTHING from a textbook for the longest time, memorizing 6 chapters in 3 weeks while consecutively studying for 3 other modules is not fun at all (and I'm not even doing 5 mods like my other course mates) I can't and won't compare this to design life because this is definitely a completely different experience to designing something. I still strongly believe that being a design student is in NO way easier than being a student following the "mainstream" academic route. 
Another major change? The traveling time. I've studied in the east since kindergarten and waking up 1 hour in advance was enough to let me take my own sweet time to get ready and travel to school. Now? I have to wake up close to 2 hours in advance just so I can take that 1.5 hour journey to school. I literally wanted (some days I still do) to die every single morning because I hate waking up so early that much. WHO FUNCTIONS AT 5AM? NOT ME. 
Also I really miss TP school food. Haha. Of all the canteens I've had, TP is still the best. I really wish I could spend more time eating there. Actually I miss quite a lot of things from TP. I miss the library and our PID studio. I never thought I'd miss having "my own space" but I realized the value of that now. 

As for changes, it's nice to finally be able to understand what you're learning. And I really enjoy my major. Although I'm doing really basic modules but I really enjoy the insights I get from learning things like the stages of communicating, micro expressions, and sociology is lots of fun too. 
Also another major change I've noticed is my in participation of group work. I honestly disliked group work in design just because I knew that I was the weakest link and I couldn't really do much but research, present and play "creative director"...well. Mostly because I couldn't draw for nuts. And a lot of times that's what we needed to do. Many projects were also done with the PID BFF aka "GPA 3.9 Top student and can do everything better than me (except EQ skills. I win him in that, that's for sure) " and my presence and whatever little skills, were rendered irrelevant. But now group work is really enjoyable because I can actually contribute to things. It's good to finally not feel like the leech. 

There are some things that I wish would change instead of remaining the same though, for example, my self-esteem.  When in design, I knew that I wasn't in my forte. I thought that when I study communications, I won't be struggling as much and that I'd finally be able to be in my comfort zone and perhaps finally understand what it means to have a sense of achievement. I was so wrong. Now, I find myself severely lacking and in the bottom percentile, again. I used to think my presentation skills were ok, that I could write. But each assignment I submit, and I don't get the grades I expect, or I get comments that I have so many weaknesses to improve, I don't think it's a matter of having "unrealistic expectations", but rather just the crushing reality that...well. I guess I'm just not what I think I am. I may be getting full marks in certain assignments, but so is literally 98% of the class. I pass a test,but everyone else is getting A or a high B. It's honestly extremely discouraging. I genuinely thought I found my strength, but now I'm left to wonder if I have any at all. 

On a brighter note, I'm so thankful that I found friends who I can interact with in school. Spam of Pictures coming through! 

My OG! UB Camp definitely exceeded my expectations. I will always carry the love for design school and design spirit is something that I confidently say will NEVER be found in any other camp, but UB camp was still really enjoyable. (: Looking forward to be a GL in the next camp. 

My Cru family! Yeah I guess I would consider them family already despite the short period of time I've known them. I think it is through this community that God continuously shows and reminds me that I'm in the right school. I feel right at home with them and they make me feel really welcomed. 

And my first DG. Yay! 

(Ft my super amazing awesome lecturer Amanda. She's the one staking directly behind me. Also she touched my shoulder. *fangirls* lol. )

(The peeps that have to suffer morning class with me.)

And then there's friends who I've met while doing different modules. So far I've got really great group mates which are I'm so thankful for and I'm so happy that I've found such a large range of friends. 

And with that, I finally end my post about the start my university life. I feel that I should be writing a lot more. But as for now, assignments call.
Take care lovelies. 
